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Using quickfetch

Basic use

Quick fetch, is a really quick way to generate fully mocked up datasets for your immediate testing or validation. Simply supply the API endpoint with a
comma separated list of generators, and the Binubuo API will automatically create all the data you need. The generators and the names to use for quick fetch
are listed on the generators documentation page.

For details on how to start and get your API key's please see the Getting Started Guide.

Header(s) required

If you are using the API's with a Binubuo account key or a temporary key, the following header needs to be set for your requests:

x-binubuo-key = [your_temporary_key_value]

The following headers need to be set, to validate your API calls, if you are using RapidAPI gateway:

x-rapidapi-host =
x-rapidapi-key = [your_api_key]

Making the call

For the quick fetch API, you will use the same endpoint every time. The data generated is decided by the list of generators defined in the cols query parameter
as part of the URL as shown below.[comma,separated,generator,list]

So if we wanted to create a dataset with first names, last names and city we would call the Quick Fetch endpoint with the following URL:,last_name,city

Standard Parameters Supported

Quick Fetch can also be called with the 5 standard query parameters, rows, locale,
tz, csv and tag.

Rows determine how many rows of data you want returned from the dataset. Example:,last_name,city&rows=10

The locale parameter, decides what country locale the dataset should run as. It takes the 2 letter iso code of a country as a value. All generators in the dataset
will then run with the locale set, as specified. So to run a list of computer users from denmark, you would run:,last_name,city?locale=DK

The tz parameter, lets binubuo know what time zone dates and timestamps should be in. The format is (-/+)XX:YY, and the offset timezone is UTC.
So if I wanted to generate timestamps in Singapore timezone:,last_name,city?tz=+08:00

CSV parameter tells the API endpoint that you want the output to be in CSV format instead of the default JSON format. This makes it easier for users to quickly
load the data into excel and maybe manipulate or test the data from there. Simply set the csv parameter to any value, and output will be created in csv format:,last_name,city?csv=1

The tag parameter, is a way to ensure the same output every time you call with that tag. Even though datasets by default always will produce
a random rows, there are times where you need a guarantee that the values is always the same for every call. Rows for functional tests and
performance tests are examples of that. Example:,last_name,city?tag=PT_Data

All parameters can of course be combined for use together:,last_name,city?rows=200&locale=DK&tz=+08:00&tag=PT_Data&csv=1

Anchor Points

On this page

  • Basic use
  • Header(s) required
  • Making the call
  • Standard Parameters Supported