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Not all data are the same

Our data have patterns and it has rules. It is important that when we create the random data or synthetic datasets, that we can describe those patterns or rules as well, so the data generated looks realistic and is within the bounds and norms of what it should be. When you use Binubuo advanced formats, you can describe patterns, peaks and rules on your data, such as pre-defined sum or average for a number column, time windows for date/time columns or data peaks or wave patterns in number data.

Example showing how rules such as pre defined sum or time window can limit or decide data patterns and values.
With the column rules we can easily create rules for the data such as pre-defined sum for a column or we can have a limited time window for a date or timestamp column.


But wait, There's more!
Predefined sum for number columns.
Prefined averages for number columns.
Time weighted data.
Peak based data to emulate prices, measurements and other IOT data.
Control distribution of data (Uniform, Gaussian, Exponential).
Values approaching rules.


Next feature: The sky is the limit